To know and to be known

There are the following words in analects of Confucius.

"I don't mind whether other people know me, but I mind whether I know other people."

I think that the words are very important in business, because we need to mind whether other people know us to increase our sales. It is impossible to increase sales if no one knows the commodity and the service.

However, I feel there is a big pitfall in directionality in "We mind whether other people know us". I think it is an attractive pitfall that "I want to be known other people to care my ego".

Then, what should we do not to fall into the pitfall?

I think there is an answer in "I mind whether I know other people". If there is a reflected posture what do we know potential customers, I think that we don’t fall the pitfall.

I feel that I need to mind whether I know other people more and more.